3DJake TPU A95 flexibles Filament
TPU A95: 14 Artikel
3DJAKE TPU A95 Dunkelgrün, 1,75 mm / 750 g
- Made in EU
- Hohe Flexibilität
- Gute Layerhaftung
Aus unserem Magazin:
- YouTube Episode: From Physical to Digital: Budget 3D Scanner Battle Royale!
- YouTube Episode: 3D Print Any Texture You Want!
- YouTube Episode: Polymaker PolyDryer: Revolutionising Filament Drying and Storage!
- Praktisches 3D-Druck Zubehör
- YouTube Episode: Are You Breathing 3D Printer Fumes? Bambu Lab Upgrade!
3DJake entdecken:
Schweiz: Kostenloser Standardversand ab CHF 69.90
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